Ecobebé reusable diaper review

With the collaboration of Gurus Tugas

Since I started this project I have a goal, aka motto, and that is simplify diapers so you can use them successfully

It's just that as soon as you start complicating things you start to have leaks, bad smells and you can avoid all of that if you have access to the correct information. 

This world scares beginners, it's only simple once you understand how it works.

AND there is a group of women with a lot of determination they are fighting to spread the word and demystify the use of reusable nappies in Portugal.

I love the way they work, how they organize the content and how they come together to create value for moms and dads starting out in this world.

And I'm talking about Task Teacher. Did you already know them? 

Continue reading because in this post I will share with you the first review made by this elite team.

and they are a beauty elite team because above all are honest and speak openly what they consider good and bad. It is this honesty that I share and that is sorely missed..

The first diaper they chose was the Ecobebe. Having several babies, with different ages and different faces, was fantastic to get a sense of the quality and efficiency of this diaper.

Review of the reusable diaper Ecobebe by Ecopipo

the cloth diaper ecobaby it's a diaper from the Ecopipo family in version all in two. That is, you have a waterproof cover and absorption separately.

Ecopipo created this diaper to be more accessible to families. It is like? Because, to the same outer layer can have several absorbents. That's why it is an economic system

And you can use it with any type of absorption, with branded, pre-folded pads or other pads that you may have in contact with your baby's skin (all natural except microfiber).

Here you have the summary of the Gurus Tugas reviews and below I share with you the photos with links to each of the reviews.

🐨 Height and waist adjustment with springs, fits up to 15kg so it fits a little smaller than most one-size diapers.

🐨 Includes a suuuuuper long pad in cotton velvet with a microfiber centre, which folds in 2 or 3, depending on the size of the baby. 

🐨 has double crotch protection; optimal to avoid leaks of explosive coconuts;

🐨 Diaper to use during the day; On average, taken to the limit, it lasted 4 hours;

🐨 the against that pointed is the pad does not have springs to hold. In mussel babies this can make the tampon move out of place.

With several babies it's easier to get a sense of the good and bad parts of diapers and that's why I like to have free and honest feedback. Thanks for that girls!

I leave you the photos and links for each of the 6 participants in this review. Check the profiles, like and follow them so they can go further.

The hashtag of this team is #gurustugas. You can follow the hashtag on instagram to always be aware of the nappy conspiracies these girls are involved in.


fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
fralda reutilizável eco bebé
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