Costs: Cloths vs Fraldas Disposable

After all, how much does it cost to use reusable diapers?

quanto custa usar fraldas de pano reutilizaveis

If you're reading this post, it's because you're curious to know if this cloth diaper thing really pays off or not. Normally, those who enter this wonderful world of cloth diapers start with two reasons: savings and ecological impact. An average baby spends 8 diapers a day until potty training and most only leave diapers around age 3, even if they only use diapers overnight by that time. Well, account done:

Total cost of reusable diapers over 3 years: €865.74
Total cost of disposable nappies over 3 years: €2,137.40

The use of cloth diapers allows save €1,271.66 in 3 years and even for a 2nd or 3rd child the investment is already done!

Let's go to the details

There are ways to reduce or increase the cost of cloth diapers, it all depends on the type of diaper you choose and the amount of accessories – But that's a topic for another post. In the table we describe what – in discussion with several mothers – we think is the minimum essential to have a comfortable stock that can be used for a 2nd child. It is comfortable, without having a dryer, being able to wash every 2 days and that the diapers dry in time in winter.

Cost of Cloth Diapers

To edit
  Unit cost Units Cost year 1 cost year 2 cost year 3
one size diaper 18,99 € 24 455,76 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
wipes 1,50 € 24 36,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
bucket bag 17,99 € 2 35,98 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Outing Bag: Diapers 9,50 € 1 9,50 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Outing Bag: Wipes 16,50 € 1 16,50 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
Cost of diaper washing 3/week (detergent, water, electricity, etc.) 2,00 € * 52 104,00 € 104,00 € 104,00 €
TOTAL COST/year 657,74 € 104,00 € 104,00 €

Total cost of reusable diapers over 3 years: €865.74

For disposable nappies, we chose to average the market price, ie €0.20 per unit. There are disposable diapers that cost 30 cents and others that cost 15 cents. The garbage bin is optional, many people use what they already have but some buy those special ones so as not to let smells pass. Don't think that cloth ones smell bad, because they don't as long as the bucket is aired and the diapers are washed every 2-3 days.

Cost of Disposable Diapers

To edit
  Unit cost Units Cost year 1 cost year 2 cost year 3
Disposable diapers 0,20 € 2920 584,00 € 584,00 € 584,00 €
disposable wipes 0,04 € 2920 116,80 € 116,80 € 116,80 €
dustbin 35,00 € 1 35,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
TOTAL COST/year 735,80 € 700,80 € 700,80 €

Total cost of disposable nappies over 3 years: €2,137.40

* Wash value calculated for a washing machine with an average consumption of 1.8 Kwh per cycle and 75L of water per wash. Already includes: detergent, oils, extras.

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